Flower Care

A little bit of care and attention will help you get the most out of your flowers. They will last best if you take a few steps to help them drink and thrive!


Find a suitable vase, wash with warm soapy water and then fill ¾ full with fresh, clean water.

Remove the burlap wrapping and water source material, exposing the bouquet stems. You can leave the tie in place. Trim the stems ¾ inch on a 45 degree angle and gently remove any petals or leaves that may fall below the water line. Place in the vase and away from the fruit bowl, direct sunlight or drafts. Enjoy! 

Help maintain the flowers by trimming any dead or wilting flower heads or leaves, trimming the stems on the 45 degree angle and replacing the water every 1-3 days. The more the better.

You might wonder "Why burlap?". Founders Ingrid and Laura wanted to find an alternative to the typical plastic floral wraps tying together bouquets. They decided on burlap not only because it’s super cute but also compostable. A good looking solution and even better for the environment!


Remove any petals or leaves that have dropped into the water in transit and top up the water to at least ¾ full. Place away from the fruit bowl, direct sunlight or drafts. Enjoy!

Every 1-3 days trim the stems ¾ inch on a 45 degree angle, gently remove any dead or wilting flower heads or leaves and replace the water. The more the better. 

If you do not wish to disturb the arrangement you can tie a string around the stems just above the top of the vase and gently lay the arrangement on a towel so the flowers stay in place while you trim. If you are not confident with this, replacing the water alone will still help, you can place the arrangement in your sink or on your countertop and let the water run over until it is clean.

Didn't order a vase from us? It's time to bring out a beautiful vase from your personal collection at home. Regardless of the shape and style vase you choose, it's important to choose one that's clean and large enough to give your arrangement room to bloom.


The lifespan of individual flower types vary (e.g. anemones are shorter lived than most modern roses), but the following tips will help your blooms stay fresher for longer:

  • Change the water daily or as often as you can possibly remember. This helps reduce the growth of bacteria in the vase water which will help you to get the best vase life from your bouquet.

  • Avoid excess heat and light. Unlike flowers in the field, cut flowers detest direct sunlight and extreme heat. That means sunny windowsills, kitchen countertops next to hot stoves, tabletops underneath heating vents, and generally anywhere outdoors is off limits if you want your arrangement to last.

  • Avoid overcrowding. We send many varieties unbloomed or under bloomed so you can witness every moment of their blossoming beauty. However, as your arrangement opens it might outgrow your vase. If this happens, don't be afraid to rehome a flower or two to a bud vase make sure everyone has enough room to bloom.

  • Remove dead or dying flowers. Just like changing the vase water, this will help prevent excessive bacteria build up and extend the life of the rest of the flowers in the arrangement!


  • Flowers and foliage: Compost or green waste
  • Twine: Compost, recycle, or reuse
  • Glass vase: Recycle, reuse, or return to the shop to be repurposed
  • Burlap: Compost or recycle