Proudly supporting

We are proud to be involved with community partners that we sponsor.

Teddy Bear Cancer Foundation

Our Involvement:

* Providing Sponsor Gifts for Gold Ribbon Luncheon event

* Providing Speaker Gifts for Gold Ribbon Luncheon event

* Special non profit discount


About Teddy Bear Cancer Foundation

Empowers families living in Santa Barbara, Ventura, and San Luis Obispo counties that have a child with cancer by providing financial, educational, and emotional support.   



Visiting Nurse and Hospice Care


Our Involvement:

* Donating flower decorations for Serenity House

* Providing Sponsor Gifts

* Special non profit discount


About Visiting Nurse and Hospice Care:

Visiting Nurse & Hospice Care and Affiliates come to you and your family with in-home health care services.

We offer a full range of skilled nursing and rehabilitation therapies services that help you with life’s challenges, such as recovering from an illness or surgery or learning to manage a chronic disease.

We also provide personal care to support your safety and independence. And through our hospice care we offer comfort and care at the end of life.



Standing Together to en Sexual Assault


Our Involvement:

* Providing Sponsor Gifts

* Providing Speaker Gifts

* Special non profit discount

* Community partner for the annual fundraiser


About Standing Together to en Sexual Assault

STESA is a private, non-profit agency that has been providing services to adolescent (ages 13+) and adult survivors of sexual assault, their families and friends since 1974. All of our services are available in both English and Spanish.